The credit goes to Aamir Khan for venturing his directorial debut with such a subject. The film reveals a very extensive research by Deepa Bhatia and a clear sensuous writing by Amole Gupte.
The essence of the film is in the scene where Ishaan's (Darsheel) father meets Ram (Aamir). " 'To care' is very necessary. It has the power to cure; A medicine to relieve pain. Its the security that the child gets when he thinks someone cares for him. A hug or a lovely kiss... say, 'I am there for you and I love you' ... isn't this called 'to care' ", replies Ram to the father. A very good lesson for the parents.
Did we also surf the internet about "Solomon islands" ? Its up to us to realize. There is less importance and care shown towards the Children; and often this is misunderstood as explained in this film. Children are not toys for us. Respect them. Because, ...
Every child is special.
~Visvanathan Balasaravanan
Official Website: http://taarezameenpar.com/
- the most blessed are those who encounter the toughest times... because, God thought you are the strongest to handle these toughest...